Health Care and Public Health Professionals’ Call to Immediate Action to Address the Violence in Israel and Gaza and Its Health Consequences
Initiated by the Peace Caucus on October 27, 2023
As health care and public health professionals, we unequivocally condemn terrorist attacks against civilians and violence during war against civilians. International law recognizes attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure as crimes against humanity and, when committed during war, as war crimes. The medical and public health consequences of this violence against civilians in Israel and Gaza have been and continue to be horrendous and catastrophic.
The health harms of violence to civilians extend well beyond morbidity and mortality from explosives and other weapons. Forced displacement and restriction of access to food, water, shelter, health care, and medicine lead to widespread suffering, illness, and death. When people live in crowded conditions during war, they are at increased risk of tuberculosis and other respiratory disorders. When they are denied access to safe water, they develop dehydration and potentially fatal diarrheal diseases, such as cholera.
Malnutrition makes people vulnerable to infectious diseases and causes long-term consequences on health and development. When people with diabetes, epilepsy, or chronic heart or lung disease cannot get their basic medications, they are at increased risk of serious complications and death. When pregnant women do not receive medical care and adequate nutrition, they are at increased risk of potentially fatal complications and delivering premature or low-birthweight infants. During war and terrorist attacks, exposure to violence and the threat of violence also causes mental health problems, which can persist for years afterward.
In addition, war violates human rights, damages critical infrastructure and housing, and diverts resources that support people’s health. It also contributes to environmental contamination, pollution, and degradation as well as climate change.
We call on all parties directly and indirectly involved in the violence in Israel and Gaza and its consequences to immediately:
1. End the violence against all civilians and ensure their security;
2. Free all hostages;
3. Protect all health care workers and health care facilities;
4. Ensure that humanitarian assistance is promptly provided; and
5. Begin to build sustainable peace by ensuring human rights and justice for all.
We also call on health care and public health professionals, as well as their employers and professional organizations, to promote and support these actions.
Robert M. Gould, MD, Chair, Peace Caucus
Patrice Sutton, MPH, Co-Program Chair, Peace Caucus
Barry S. Levy, MD, MPH, Member, Peace Caucus, and Past President, American Public Health Association
*Affiliations listed for identification purposes only.
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Please consider making a tax deductible donation to the Peace Caucus here.
The following individuals and organizations support this call:
Mira Abilmona, BS in Health
Elizabeth Ackerson, MD
Meg Adams
Dorcas Adedoja, MPH
Sasha Adkins, PhD, MPH Sr. Lecturer, Environmental Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Derin Adunbi
Prof Dr. M. A. van Agtmael
Hajira Ahmed
Nadine Ahmed (undergrad Neuroscience)
Rumpa Ahmed, rcp Rrt
Arzoo Alam, MPH
Teresa Albernas, MSN, APRN, FNP-C
John W. Aldis, MD, MPH & Tropical Medicine, AAFP
Nuzhat Ali, MSN, RN
Carol Easley Allen, PhD, RN, Past President, American Public Health Association
Deborah Allen, ScD, LA County Department of Public Health
Myron Allukian Jr. DDS MPH, Past President, APHA
Julianna Alson, MPH
Hamada Hamid Altalib, DO, MPH
Laura Altobelli, DrPH, MPH
Esther Amuyunzu, MD
Susan Anderson PA-C, retired
Verleysen Andreas
JL Angell
Linda J. Arkin, LCSW
Dr. Gottfried Arnold
John Arrowsmith, MBBS
Neil Arya, MD D.Litt. University of Waterloo McMaster University
Atena Asiaii, MD MPH
Susan Avila, RN, MPH
Magale Avitia, MPH
Sumayya Ayaz, MD
Donata Backhaus (IPPNW)
Wolfgang Bahr, MPH Student at the University of Michigan
Claudia A Baier, MPH, Chicago, IL
Zyna Bakari
Ariel Balaban
Ellie Barbarash, MS, CPEA
Naomi Bardach, MD MAS UCSF
Alicia I Barela, MD
Kenneth Barnes, MD
Wendy E. Barrington, PhD, MPH
Ameena Batada, Professor of Public Health, UNC Asheville
Dr. med. Timo Norman Baum, MD
M. Begemann, MD, secretary Ducth affiliate NVMP/IPPNW, Netherlands.
L. Beijderwellen, general practitioner not at work
Valerie Bengal, MD FAAFP
Jennifer Bennett, PhD, MPH
Stephen Benson, PhD
Giselle Bergmeier, MPA
Joseph K. Berkson, MD
Dr. Utpal Kumar Bhattacharya, Associate Professor at Indian Institute of Management Indore
Nazmim Bhuiya, DrPH
Frederick Bialy, MD
Anne-Emanuelle Birn, ScD
Beth Blacksin, Phd, RN
Patricia Blackwell-Marchant
Frances Blair
Mindy Blaski, MD
Jim Bloyd, DrPH, MPH
Joachim Both, MD, Neurologist, IPPNW Berlin
Frank Ernest Boulton, BSc, MD, FRCPath
Mary Bouldin, MD
Kathryn Bourgoin, MD
Derman Boztok, MD, specialist in public health (retired)
Paula Braveman
Lisa Brinker, MA, CMT
David Brook MD, member WPSR
Pat Brooks, MA, Medical Anthropologist
Dr. Janelle K. Bryan
Elizabeth Buchen, MD
Sarah Bucic, MSN, RN
Meg Buckwalter, MS, PHN, RN
Raquel Bueno-Morales
Dr. med. Barbara Burghardt
Jessica Burleigh, MPH, MSW
Mary Byron
Carla Campbell, MD, MS, Drexel University
Lisa Campbell, DNP, RN, PHNA-BC, FAAN, CEO Population Health Consultants, LLC
Amy Canchola, MHA
William Carson, MPH, University of Arizona College of Public Health PhD program
Alita-Geri Carter, MSN, RN, CPNP-PC
Ruth Carter, MFT
Nicole Casanova, MPH
Teresa Chahine, ScD, Senior Lecturer, Yale University
Olivia Chan
Juanita Chatham
Victor Chelashow
Anlan Cheney Sheer, MPH, MA
Mariana Chilton, PhD, MPH
Imti Choonara, MD, MBChB, Emeritus Professor in Child Health, University of Nottingham, UK
Fariha Chowdhury, MSc, Sacramento, CA
Dr. Ka-Sing Chua, MBBS(MONASH)
Janice Chung, MD
Claire Cifaloglio, MD, MPH Retired
Linda J. Clark, MD
Angelika Claussen, MD, Chair, IPPNW affiliate Germany
James Cobey, MD, MPH
Mardge Cohen, MD
Allan Connoly, MD [ret'd]
Allen Cooper
Allyson M. Corbo, MPH
Gerald Cordani, MD
Mrs. Charisse Cordero
Stephanie Clavijo, MD, MPH
John H. Cordes, MD
Anastasia Corsie BMed Medical Association for the Prevention of War and Doctors for the Environment Australia
Cecilia Cortes Medina, RN, BSN
Caroline de Costa, PhD FRCOG FRANZCOG James Cook University Australia
Dr Nancy Covington, BSc, Maths & Physics, MD.
Kasey Cox, MS
Lawrence Crowley, Teacher
Colleen Curtis, LMHC
Dr. Hugo D'aes, Artsen voor vrede
Carien Dagnelie, MD PhD, NVMP Rijnmond
Zhaoli Dai-Keller, PhD, University of New South Wales
Melodie D'Amour, Health Promotion Specialist, New Mexico
Andre Daniels MD, FCP
Elizabeth Darovic, MA, MA Ed, MPhil
Emily Dauria, PhD, MPH
Carla H Davis
Ron Dean
Ton deBoer, medical officer
Jorge De Cecco
Christoph Dembowski, MD
Richard de Seve, JD, NH Peace Action
Claire-Elizabeth DeSophia MFT
Robyn Devenish, OAM BSc
C. de Vries, huisarts
Aria Diehl, BSN, Tatum Texas
Lehmkuhl, Dieter, Dr. med., IPPNW Germany
Dani Dobrot, RN, BSN, MA
Maria Doe, PhD, MPH
Bridget Tighe Doerr, DNSc, Retired
Elliot Dolan-Evans, MBBS, LLB, PhD
Martin Donohoe, MD
Jonathan Down, MD., FRCPC. Past President IPPNWC
Daniel Doyle M.D. West Virginia
David Drum, writer
Dr Valerie Dube, MD
Gwen DuBois
Robert Dubrow, MD, PhD
Alex Dudek, RN, BSN, Madison, WI
Cheryl E. Easley, PhD, RN
Leonard Eiger, MS
Paul Eisenberg
Mirret El-Hagrassy, MD, UMass Chan Medical School, UMass Memorial
Tyana J. Ellis, PhD, MSPH, CHES, University of Richmond
Saapke Engel-Quaak
Brian S. Englander, MD, Robert E. Campbell Professor of Clinical Radiology
Archna Eniasivam, MD
Arianna Sánchez Espin
Kathleen Fagan, MD, MPH
Rita Fahrner
Ruth Fallenbaum, PhD
Michelle Famula, MD
Carolyn Fan, University of Washington
Oliver Fein, MD, Professor of Clinical Medicine - Emeritus
Joe Feinglass PhD, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Mackenzie Ferguson, MPH
Ellen J. Ferranti, MD- NYC
Richard Fielding PhD, CPsychol, FFPH
Felipe Findley, PA-C
Jeannie Finlay- Kochanowski
Sharon Fisher, MD
Joanna Fisher-Whilden, BSN, RN
Carolee Flaten, RN, BSN
Dr. Eleanor Fleming
Lora E Fleming, MD, PhD, MPH, MSc, Emerita Professor University of Exeter
William Foege MD, MPH, retired, Emory University
Maxine Fookson, MN, RN
Chandra Ford, PhD, MPH, MLIS Founding Director
Lachlan Forrow
Sadie Forsythe, LICSW
Sheila Fox, Notable Healing
Madeleine Frey, MPH
Jennifer Fricas, PhD, MPH, RN
Kristin Froehlich, LCSW
Mateo Frumholtz, MPH
Dr. Heinz Fuchsig, austrian med. chamber
Tova Fuller, MS, MD, PhD, Physicians for Social Responsibility
Mindy Fullilove, MD, The New School
Beth Furlong, RN, BSN, MS, MS, PhD, JD
Sherrill Futrell, History Researcher, UCDavis​
Isabel Galic, MPH, Research Advisor,Policy Research Collaborative Roosevelt University
Yi Gao
Amy H Gardner, MD, MPH, PhD
Michael Garitty
Al Garnsey
Mulugeta Gebregziabher, PhD, MUSC
Procerpina Gee, RN, PHN, MSN
Drs. SCM Geling, MD Arts & Specialist Medische zorg Vluchtelingen
D. Gerling MD, Psychiatrist
Katherine German, RN
Michael D. Geschwind, MD, PhD
Richard Gillum, MD, MS
Thomas Gilmore
Jennifer Mas Gilvydis, MPH, University of Washington
Tony (Anthony) Glover, MPH
Warren M. Gold
John Golding
Debora Goetz Goldberg, PhD
Fran Goldie-Marcus, LCSW
Rookamah Goldston BSW Israel
Enrique Gonzalez-Mendez, MD
Bonnie Gorman, RN
Caren Gould, MD
Syreen Goulmamine, MPH
Susanne Grabenhorst, MD
Elinor Graham MD, MPH, Member WA Physicians for Social Responsibility
Wade Gray, MD
Nancy Greep, MD
Bruce Grobman
Henk Groenewegen, MD, PhD Prof.em. Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
jc Oenema -de Groot
Dr Jenny Grounds, MBBS, Director, Medical Association for Prevention of War Australia
Omar Guerrero, MPH candidate
Arshya Gurbani
Sydney Gurecki
Rohini Haar, MD MPH
Lin Hagedorn. RDH, 350 Eastside
Amy Hagopian
Amy Halio, MD
Pastor Anne S. Hall, EdM, MDiv, Lutheran Church in the San Juans
Robert Hall, BSc(Med) MBBS MPH FAFPHM
Rawan Hamadeh, MPH, program officer-Project HOPE
Bonnie Hamilton
Omaira Hanif, BSN, RN, IBCLC
Charles Hardin, MD
Andy Harris, MD
Ann Harvey, MD
Dr. Huguette Hayden retired, child and adolescent psychiatry
Arleen Haynes-Laing, MBBS, MPH
Kathleen Healey, MD
Ira Helfand, MD, PSR
Linda Helland, MPH, CPH
Samantha Heller, UNC-Chapel Hill
Waylon Henggeler, MPH, MD/PhD Candidate
Robert D Herr, MD
Katherine J. Hester ARNP, ND
Dr. Elisabeth Heyn, IPPNW Nürnberg-Fürth-Erlangen
Kathryn Hibbert, MD
L. Esther Hibbs, MPH Candidate
K Hilsbos MD, Marion Co (WV) Dem Exec Comm
Jerome R Hoffman, MA, MD
Marchinus Hofkamp, dentist, member NVMP
Chris Hogness, MD, MPH, FACP
TH Holtz, MD, MPH
drs. Dirk Hoogenkamp, physician
Geert Hoornaert psychologist
Lindley Hornsby, MPH/MSW Student, NMSU
Daniel Hryhorczuk, MD, MPH
Howard Hu, MD, MPH, ScD (University of Southern California)
Dr W. Hubregtse
Katherine Hughey, MD
Astrid Huiberts
Lynn N Huidekoper, retired RN
Hendrik J. Hulsebosch, retired medical doctor
Morgan Hurst
Yusra Hussain, MD, Founder Yusra Consulting Group
Katharine Hutchinson, DrPH, CNM
Vincent Iacopino, MD, PhD, Adjunct Professor of Medicine, University of Minnesota
Nasrien E. Ibrahim, MD, MPH
Maia Ingram, MPH
Ans Irfan, MD, EdD, DrPH, ScD, MPH, MRPL
K Irshad, MD, Neurology
Ellen Isaacs MD
Ernst-Ludwig Iskenius, MD IPPNW Germany
Eman Ismael, MD
Nancy Iverson, MD
Sonia Iyengar
Syed H. Jafri, PhD
Jaquelyn Jahn, PhD, MPH Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health
Laya Jalilian-Khave, MD, Post
Iman Jandali, MHS
Asim Jani, MD, MPH, FACP
Andrew Janik, MD
Sumayya Jawadi, M.D., Associate Clinical Professor
Pennie Jewell
Dr. med. Eckardt Johanning, MD, MSc.John Timothy Johnson, MSc., DrPH
Hailey Johnston, MPH Candidate
Lisa Marie Jordan, PhD, Drew University
Prof Jon Jureidini, University of Adelaide
Margret Kaandorp, drs., medical doctor
Andrew Kanter, MD, MPH, FACMI, FAMIA
Susan Karlins, MPH
Steve Kassel
Martha Ellen Katz, MD
Mehak Kaur, MPH
Sadia Kazi, MBBS, Chicago
Rosemary S Kean, RN, CS, retired
C. William Keck, MD, MPH Past President of the American Public Health Association
Michael Keem, MD, FRANZCP
Rene Keet, Psychiatrist, Director FIT-academy GGZ Noord-Holland-Noord. Chair European Community Mnetla Heakth Services Network
Loren Sapphire Kelly, MSN, RN
Michael Kemper
Alisa Khan, MD, MPH, Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Dr. Ghada Khan, MPH, DrPH
Sabrina Khan, MS in Biostatistics
Farida Khawaja, FACEM, MBBS, Australia
Grace Khawam, PhD-c, PharmD, MPH, American University of Beirut
Kaveh Khoshnood, MPH, PhD, Associate Professor, Yale School of Public Health
Dr. Reinhard Kindt, medical doctor, Hannover
Caroline King, CNA, Texas Public Health Association
Jaime Kishpaugh, BA
Amber Kiwan, PATH
Dr. Sigrid Klose-Schlesier
Wolfgang Kluge, MD, WPSR, IPPNW
Dylan Knaggs
Reinhard Koppenleitner, MD, MPH pediatrician
Dr. Annette Kornbrust, Pediatrician
Milton Kotelchuck, PhD, MPH. (Harvard Medical School)
Rani Kotha, JD MPH
Nikhil Kothegal, MPH
Awm Kramer, Retired GP and Professor in GP
Renee Kraus
Nancy Krieger, PhD
H V van der Kroon, dermatologist retired
Malavvika Kulashekar DO
Shiriki Kumanyika
Richard Kwiatek MBBS FRACP, Northern Adelaide Local Health Network
Sakina Ladha, MBBS, MPH
Gregory M LaGana, MD, FACP
Linda Young Landesman, DrPH, MSW
Amanda Lam, MD, MPH
Harald Laman
Katharine Lamperti, MD
Paul Landsbergis, PhD, MPH
Robin Lane, MPH
Regina LaRocque, MD, MPH
Rebecca Larson, DrPH, MS, MA, RD
Jennifer Leaning, MD, SMH
Raeann LeBlanc
Jessica LeClair, PhD, MPH, RN
Peter Lee
Anne Marie Leveille-Tulce PhD, RN, MS, MPH
Charles Levenstein, PH.D, MS, professor emeritus, UMass Lowell
Cynthia Lewis, PhD
Kenneth Lichtenstein, MD, Colorado Physicians for Social Responsibility
Rebecca Lincoln, ScD
Patty Linder
Laurie Lippold
Jonathan Lu, MS. Stanford University School of Medicine
Kelly Lubeck, MPH
Pauline Lubens, PhD, MPH
Andrea Lyman, MD, MSc, MS
Aminah M. CRC Oncology, Healthcare Workers for Palestine - Seattle
Robert MacGibbon, FRCGP
Joseph Macisco, MPH
Mary Maddux-Gonzalez, MD, MPH
Storie Madrid
John Gunnar Mæland, MD, PhD
Kasturi Malaviya, DO
Ana Malinow, MD
Jeffrey Mann, MD
Shelley Mann-Lev, MPH
Daniel Marshall, MSc
Robert S. Marshall, PhD
Michael J. Martin, MD, MPH, MBA, Immediate Past President, PSR
Malia Matteson, LCMHC
Mia Mattioli, MD
Dr Stewart May, MB BS FRACP
Toni Mayer
Nadia Zebouni Mazza, MPH, Project Director at the NC Center for Health and Wellness
Bruce Mcclue, BS.
Rob McConnell, MD
Moira G McGuire
Anne McHugh, MS
Mary F. McManus, PhD, RPh
Kevin McNally, MBA
Joes Meens, elderly care physician, co - founder of home care rehabilitation teams in Gaza
- Joachim Meifort
May-May Meijer, Peer Expert, Department of Psychiatry, University Medical Centre Utrecht
James Melloh, MD
Jihana Mendu, MPH, University of Michigan
Emily Merchen, PA-S
Bernard E. Meyer, BS, STD, MS, 63 years resisting war, nuclear weapons, Climate Disruption, and more
Alan Meyers, MD, MPH
Arthur Milholland, MD
Carol Miller, MPH
Eric Alan Miller
Mary E Miller, RN, MN
Maria T. Minjares, MPH, Albuquerque, NM
Pamela Mirsky, MD, FACLP
Marjaneh Moini, MD
Carolyn Mok, MD, FAAFP
Celeste Monforton, DrPH, MPH
Bobbi Monnette, LCSW
Andre Montoya-Barthelemy, MD MPH
Rob Moodie, MBBS MPH Professor of Public Health, Melbourne Australia
Sídney Moraes
John S Morawetz, ScM, retired
Fred Morrison, LMFT
Afaf Moustafa, MD
Hani Mowafi, MD, MPH, Chief, Global Health and International Emergency Medicine, Yale University
Paul Moyer, PA, MPH
Jacob C. Mulder, MD, Pediatrician Tropical Doctor
Linda S. Murphy, MLIS
Matthew Musselman, DO, MPH
Brynne Musser, MPH
Norma L Myers
Lina Nasr, MPH
Jack Neff
Linda A. Nelson, DNP, MPH, APRN
Scott Nelson, RT
Carmen Rita Nevarez, MD, MPH, CRN Health Consulting
Alcess Nonot, Center for Anti-Racism (ARCH) UW
Prof. Dr. med Rainer Nustede
Liesl Nydegger, PhD, MPH, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
John Oda, RN
René’ Olearnik, GP, NP, Retired
Carmi Orenstein, MPH
Michael Orgel, MD (Medact Scotland)
Alicia Orozco
Joshua Osowiecki, CHES (He/Him/His)
Lucy Katherine Owen, MBBS, Facem
AEL Palmquist, PhD, Associate Professor of the Practice of Global Health, Duke Global Health Institute
Sharon Paltin, M.D.
Cassandra Leihua Park
Keely Paris, MPH
Kelsie Parker
Naseem Parsa, MPH/MBA
Imam Rashid Patch
Mona Pathak, PhD
Neelam Pathikonda, DO, MPH
Leslie-Lynn Pawson, MD
John Pearson MD, Physicians For Soc. Responsibility, Orgeon
Kristen Pearson, MBBS, FRACP
Rachel Pechter, OTR/L
Neil Penn, MFT Eugene Oregon
Janet Perlman, MD, MPH
Anna Pirsch PhD, RN; Visiting Assistant Professor at the Susan S. Morrison School of Nursing, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN
Danielle N. Poole, ScD MPH, Associate Research Scientist, Yale School of Public Health
Dr. Karin Ritter-Pichl
Becca Phillips, MPH
Charlotte Phillips, MD
Dr Tomasz Pierscionek
Marj Plumb, DrPH
Karyn Pomerantz, MLS, MPH, retired
James N Powell, MD
Sean Pratt, MPH
Elbina Rafizadeh, PhD, MSN, RN, APHA PHN Research Committee Chair
Dr Mark Ralfe, FRACGP, DCH, DRANZCOG, MSportsMed, Sports Medicine GP
Amal Rammah, MPH, PhD, University College London
Tiara Ranson, MPH Candidate at University of Washington
Amna Rasheed, DO
Ans Rasing, general practitioner
Jim Recht, MD; Lecturer on Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
Debra Rehn
Mayte Restrepo, PhD.
Dr. med. Monika Retterspitz
John Reuwer, MD
Hannah Rice, MPH Candidate
Jack C. Rice, MD
Claire Richards, PhD, RN
Steven Richmond, citizen
Hannah Ries
Mackenzie Rittler-Cheney, MSN, RN
Amanda Rivera, MPH, CPH
Grace Robbins, MPH
Sally Roberts, Chair, Rise Up WV
Rev. Dr. Jack C. Robertson, MD(Ret.), BS, MPH, FACPM(Emeritus), M.Div.(H.R.)
Merritt Rodriguez
Michael Rodriguez, MD, MPH
Dr Robert Roebuck MBBS, DipRACOG
Ursula Rolfe MD
India Rogers-Shepp, BA MSc, Medical Student
Colin Romero MD, MPH
Margot Roseman MD MPH
Neil Rosenbaum, DMD
Beth Rosenberg, ScD, MPH Tufts University School of Medicine
Kenneth D. Rosenberg, MD, MPH
Judith Rosenfeld, RN
Ulrike Rothe, MD, PHD (IPPNW)
Ana V. Diez Roux, MD, PhD, MPH
Margaret Rowell, MBBS, FRACP, MPH, member of MAPW
Leonard Rubenstein, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health School of Public Health
Rachel Rubin, MD, MPH
Robert Rubinstein, PhD, MsPH
Tilman A Ruff MB, BS (Hons), FRACP, AO - IPPNW, ICAN Australia, University of Melbourne
Dr Amanda J Ruler, RN, BA (Hons) Grad Dip Ger Nursing, PhD
William Ruth, MD
Lynn Sableman, RN, BSN
Kirby Sack
Zaher Sahloul, MD, FCCP, Associate Clinical Professor at UIC
Ridwan Said, MPH, University of Minnesota, School of Public Health
Goleen Samari, PhD, MPH, MA
Dr Truth Sayer, DAOM, LMFT
Ted Schettler MD, MPH
Gordon Schiff
Dr. Sigrid Klose-Schlesier
Raphaëlle Schmit, MD
Michael Schroering, MD, Chair, PNHP-WV
Prof. Dr. Michael Schulte
Dr. P.F.J. (Raphael) Schulte, MD, PhD, psychiatrist, head of training
Amy J. Schulz, PhD, MPH, MSW, University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor, University of Michigan, Professor, School of Public Health, University of Michigan
Caroline Polak Scowcroft
Lisa Segnitz, MD, Palo Alto Medical Foundation
- Joachim Seffrin, Family doctor
Gayatri Sehgal, MA Yoga Studies
Samantha Serrano, MPH
Sachita Shah, MD, DTM&H
Abdul Shaikh, PhD, MHSc
Amina Shams, MPH, Founder & ED BLOOM Charity
Rachael Shapiro
Kevin Sherin, MD, MPH
Stanley N Shikuma, RN (retired)
Kristin Shiplet
Melvin Shipp, OD MPH DrPH, APHA Past President
William Shore, MD
Munjireen Sifat, PhD, MPH
Martin Silberschmidt, MD
Kevin D. Sitter, MSW, MPH
Jodie Skillicorn, DO
Rael Slavensky, RN, MA, MPH, MSN
Claudia M Smith, PhD, MPH, RN
Sharon Sollenberger
Dr. Jamie Solow
Elizabeth Sommers PhD, MPH, Lic Ac
Ala Soofian, MD, Stanford Medicine Department of Pediatrics
Maria Arvaniti Sotiropoulou, President of Greek affiliate of IPPNW
Amelia Souphida, MPH, MA
Cindy Sousa, PhD, MSW, MPH
H Spanjaard, MD, MPH, FACOEM
Lodewijk Spanjaard, MD, PhD
David Spence, MD, MPH
Richard Starmans, MD G.P & acupuncturist
Dr Mary Stavropoulou, MBBS FRACGP, Member, Medical Association for the Prevention of War (Australia)
Marty Stein, MD
Jayne Steinmetz, PhD, RDN
Roberta Stern
A.L.L.M. Stevens, MD
Jan S. Stilma, MD, PH.D, MA
Judith Storfjell, PhD,RN, FAAN
Terry Strauss
Edward Strickler, rural Virginia
Ahimsa Porter Sumchai, MD
Kalle Sysikaski
Vappu Taipale, MD, Professor
Kawsar Talaat, MD
Cheryl Tanasovich, MD
Dr. James Tashjian
Tim Takaro, MD, MPH, MS.
Cathy Tashiro, PhD, RN
Dara Anita Taylor, BS, MSPH
Mason Taylor, retired AFGE union Member
Evan Teplow md faculty Sea Mar Marysville Family Medicine Residency Program
Gary Thaler
Dr. med. Wolfgang Thon FA Internal Medicine and Oncology
Kendall Thurman, DO
Shannon Tierney, MD
Lillian Tom-Orme, PhD, MOH, RN, FAAN
Ann Troy, MD
Walter Tsou, MD, MPH
Sahlea Tubbeh, MPH, Palestinian-American
Han Naung Tun, MBBS, MPH
Catherine Vakil MD, Assistant Professor, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada
Drs M Van Putten
Carlos Vassaux, IPPNW
P.R.N. Verduin, MD, MPH
Wil Verheggen, board member NVMP-Artsen voor vrede
Pragya Verma
Stephen Vernon, MFT, Director Therapists for Single Payer; Co-Chair PNHP San Francisco Bay Area
Jan Vesseur, MD, MPH
Genevieve Moya Viamonte, MD
Mieke Visser MD,FM,MPH
Monique Voeten
Stephanie Von Dehn, MD, Vancouver, Canada
Deborah Klein Walker, EdD
Paul F Walker, Ph.D.
David Warner
Barbara Warren, MD, MPH
Dr Elizabeth Waterston MB.ChB MRCGP Medact
Susan L Watson, MBBS University of Melbourne
Dr Bianca Webb-Pullman, MBBS, FRACGP
David H. Wegman, MD, MSc, Univ. of Mass Lowell
Stefan Weinmann, MD, DrPH, Psychiatric Hospital an der Lindenhöhe, Offenburg, Germany
Ariel Wesley BSPHc
R. Jay Whaley, MD
Shelley K. White, PhD, MPH, OTR
Meg Whitman, MD
Rhonda Whitten, CNM, APRN, MSN
Jane Wickman
Roni Diamant-Wilson, PHD, RN
Mary L. Williams, MD
Mildred Williamson, PhD, MSW
Peter Wilk, MD
Jay Wilson
Steve Wirtz, PhD
JM Wong
K Wong
Caitlin Wright, BSN, RN—Public Health Nurse
Kenneth C. Wright, MD
Irene Yang, PhD, RN
Salwa Yaser, SY, OTR/L, MSOT
Marlee Yost-Wolff
Rabi Yunusa, MBBS,MPH
Neha Zahid
Diego E Zavala, PhD
Jennifer R. Zelnick, MSW, ScD
Madison Zeman
Dany Zemmel, MPH
Julie M. Zito, PhD
M.J. van Zweeden
*Affiliations listed for identification purposes only.
Athens Home Care Solutions, LLC
The Commission for Health
Center for the Study of Racism, Social Justice & Health
Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility
Deep Connections Somatic & Spiritual Practice
Department of Global Health, University of Washington
Deutsche Allianz Klimawandel und Gesundheit e.V.
Episcopal Peace Fellowship
Georgia Society For Public Health Education
Global Health and Disparities Path, University of Michigan
Greater Boston Physicians for Greater Responsibility
Greek Affiliate of IPPNW
Hayward Area Democratic Club
Healing 2 Win LLC
International Physician for the Prevention of Nuclear War Canada
IPPNW Germany (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War)
LatinX Outreach
Medical Association for Prevention of War (MAPW)
Notable Healing
NVMP-Artsen voor vrede (Dutch affiliate of IPPNW)
Peace SOS
Physicians For a National Health Program--West Virginia Chapter
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Physicians for Social Responsibility Arizona
Physicians for Social Responsibility Finland
Physicians for Social Responsibility Iowa Chapter
Physicians for Social Responsibility-Los Angeles
Physicians for Social Responsibility Maine Chapter
Physicians for Social Responsibility San Francisco Bay Chapter
Socialist Caucus of APHA
Therapists for Single Payer
Twice Consulting Services LLC
Veterans For Peace
White Coats for Palestine
Women's Health Institute
Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation